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Quinoa is a kind of cereal, although not really a grass. Handy tip: always give yours a good rinse before you cook it, it’s natural coating can make it taste a bit bitter.

When it comes to barbequing, there are two main schools of thought for the techniques that you can use. The first of these techniques – and the most popular method for those who grill in their back yards – is the style where the food is cooked directly over the source of heat. This way, the food is rapidly cooked on a hot grill suspended directly over the charcoals, the wood, or the gas burners. Rarely is the lid ever closed. This way, the food is rapidly cooked on a hot grill suspended directly over the charcoals, the wood, or the gas burners.

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1 – Preheat your oven grill to high. No grill? Just set your oven to its highest setting.

2 – Rinse the quinoa in a sieve till the water runs clear. Set a lidded pan over a medium heat. Tip the quinoa into the pan and add enough water to cover by 1cm. Cover and cook for 15 mins or till all the water is absorbed. When the quinoa is cooked, take off the heat. Cover and set aside for 5 mins to steam.

3 – Meanwhile, set a frying pan over a high heat. Halve, peel and thinly slice your onion. Add a splash of oil to your pan. Add the onion and a pinch of salt. Lower the heat. Fry for a few mins till tender. Fold in 1 tbsp curry powder. Mix in the coconut milk. Take off the heat.

4 – Halve your tomatoes. Put in a bowl with a pinch of salt and mix with your hands. Finely chop your coriander. Set aside.

5 – Add the quinoa and spinach to the curried/coconut onion mix – or vice versa (whichever pan is biggest and ovenproof). Or divide between two ovenproof dishes or frying pans. Simmer and stir till the spinach has wilted. Taste. Season or add more curry powder if needed.

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75g quinoa

1 onion

A splash of olive oil

Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

1 tbsp The Colonel’s Mild Curry Spice Mix

200ml coconut milk

2 large handfuls of baby leaf spinach

2 eggs

A handful of flat leaf parsley

250g cherry vine tomatoes

2 eggs

A handful of flat leaf parsley


Rendeléseket 11:00 és 20:00 között tudunk felvenni.